Tag: featured

Sweet Raspberry Buns with Cream Cheese Frosting

Sweet Raspberry Buns with Cream Cheese Frosting

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope that you are all enjoying your long weekend. I unfortunately came down with Covid on Thursday, so my long weekend has been spent indoors in isolation. Definitely not ideal, but it is what it is. On the plus side, it 

Photo Journal No. 3: Green Valley Lake, CA

Photo Journal No. 3: Green Valley Lake, CA

This past December I visited my extended family on the West Coast in California. During my time in the LA area I was lucky enough to get to spend a few days at the family cottage on Green Valley Lake at an elevation of 7,000 

Sheet Pan Sweet Potato Salad with Lemony Tahini Sauce

Sheet Pan Sweet Potato Salad with Lemony Tahini Sauce

At the end of the winter semester when I was in the thick of group projects and was bouncing between group meetings I had one evening where my meetings went well past 10pm. Between meetings, I scored the pantry and fridge looking for something I could throw together as a quick sheet pan meal to eat for dinner. I threw a couple sweet potatoes in the oven to roast while I worked and then tossed in various odds and ends that I had on hand. The result was a surprisingly delicious combination of flavours. I wrote a quick note of what ingredients I had used so I could recreate it another time when I was less busy. Continue reading Sheet Pan Sweet Potato Salad with Lemony Tahini Sauce

Vegetarian Lasagna

Vegetarian Lasagna

I’ve been sitting on this Vegetarian Lasagna recipe for a while. When I was in grade 11 and 12, I worked for a catering company in my hometown over the summers. One of my responsibilities was to make lasagnas for the storefront, which sold prepared 

Decadent Hot Chocolate

Decadent Hot Chocolate

With the unfortunate resurgence of winter weather we are currently experiencing here in Southern Ontario, I thought there would be no time like the present to share one of my favourite winter recipes, but who am I kidding? I make this hot chocolate recipe all 

A (Self-Proclaimed) Local’s Guide to Vancouver

A (Self-Proclaimed) Local’s Guide to Vancouver

This fall I had the unique opportunity to up and move out west to Vancouver for two months with one of my close friends. We both accepted co-op positions at a Vancouver-based company and decided to use our new jobs as an opportunity to travel to and live in a new city. Neither Ali nor I had ever been to the West Coast before this adventure. We received an influx of recommendations from friends and family who had either been out west before or who currently live there, and their recommendations sure didn’t disappoint! I am happy to report that we diligently worked our way through the list and ticked off the majority of the boxes. We also found some cool spots of our own along the way. Here is a summary of the top recommendations that we received and some of our favourite places we discovered along the way. I hope you enjoy! Continue reading A (Self-Proclaimed) Local’s Guide to Vancouver

Vegetarian “Sausage” & Noodle Soup

Vegetarian “Sausage” & Noodle Soup

I don’t know what it’s like where you all are, but it has been absolutely freezing here in Ontario the past few weeks. At this point in the season I seem to have a semi-permanent raspy voice from running outdoors in these crazy cold temperatures. 

Hot Chocolate Cookies

Hot Chocolate Cookies

Happy (almost) holidays everyone! It has been quite the year and I for one am very excited to have a bit of down time over the next couple of weeks to enjoy time with friends and family and to eat some delicious food of course!

Easy Shakshouka

Easy Shakshouka

I cooked up some deliciously easy Shakshouka on my Instagram stories the other day and saved the recipe to my highlights, but I thought I would write it up and share the recipe here too for anyone who does not have Instagram. Continue reading Easy Shakshouka

A Rainy Afternoon Thrifting on South Main

A Rainy Afternoon Thrifting on South Main

It was yet another rainy fall Vancouver weekend. What’s different about the rain here versus in Ontario is that the people here are so accustomed to it raining almost all the time that it really doesn’t hinder their day’s plans. In fact, Vancouverites are so