Tag: featured

A (Self-Proclaimed) Local’s Guide to Vancouver

A (Self-Proclaimed) Local’s Guide to Vancouver

This fall I had the unique opportunity to up and move out west to Vancouver for two months with one of my close friends. We both accepted co-op positions at a Vancouver-based company and decided to use our new jobs as an opportunity to travel 

Vegetarian “Sausage” & Noodle Soup

Vegetarian “Sausage” & Noodle Soup

I don’t know what it’s like where you all are, but it has been absolutely freezing here in Ontario the past few weeks. At this point in the season I seem to have a semi-permanent raspy voice from running outdoors in these crazy cold temperatures. 

Hot Chocolate Cookies

Hot Chocolate Cookies

Happy (almost) holidays everyone! It has been quite the year and I for one am very excited to have a bit of down time over the next couple of weeks to enjoy time with friends and family and to eat some delicious food of course! Continue reading Hot Chocolate Cookies

Easy Shakshouka

Easy Shakshouka

I cooked up some deliciously easy Shakshouka on my Instagram stories the other day and saved the recipe to my highlights, but I thought I would write it up and share the recipe here too for anyone who does not have Instagram.

A Rainy Afternoon Thrifting on South Main

A Rainy Afternoon Thrifting on South Main

It was yet another rainy fall Vancouver weekend. What’s different about the rain here versus in Ontario is that the people here are so accustomed to it raining almost all the time that it really doesn’t hinder their day’s plans. In fact, Vancouverites are so 

Thanksgiving Weekend on Vancouver Island

Thanksgiving Weekend on Vancouver Island

In my most recent co-op recruiting period I got hired by a Vancouver-based company to complete my third, and final, co-op term of my undergraduate degree. There was an option to work fully remotely from Ontario, or to move out west for a more hybrid working experience. Since my lease back in Ontario was up and I had nothing tying me down, I decided to take the opportunity to move out west for a couple months so that I could experience the West Coast in all its beauty and finally have a chance to work in an office – my previous two co-ops have been fully remote. By some luck my good friend Ali and I ended up getting hired by the same company, so we moved out west together after completing our first month of work online from Ontario. Continue reading Thanksgiving Weekend on Vancouver Island

A Weekend Hike in Lion’s Head Provincial Park

A Weekend Hike in Lion’s Head Provincial Park

As the weeks until my departure for the West Coast become fewer, I have been trying to fit in lots of outdoor time to enjoy Ontario’s beautiful landscape before I trade in for the West Coast’s sights. This weekend my mom and I hopped in 

Roasted Beet Hummus

Roasted Beet Hummus

I cannot believe that it is already September! Where did the summer go?! With the first week of September now behind us, I am sure that many of you have returned to school, work, and with that, busier schedules. This week I started my third 

Grilled Summer Salad

Grilled Summer Salad

Can we just take a minute to acknowledge how quickly this summer has flown by? How is it already August?! Crazy stuff! I’ve been trying to soak up the delicious flavours of summer before fall strikes and I have to wait another full year to enjoy delicious Ontario-grown produce. Continue reading Grilled Summer Salad

Wild Leek Sourdough Bread

Wild Leek Sourdough Bread

If you follow along with me on instagram you’ll know that I have been really into the sourdough baking as of late. Bread, bagels, naan, brownies, cinnamon buns, crackers, hot cross buns, you name it, I’ve probably made a sourdough version of it.