Tag: featured

Reflecting On My Year Off

Reflecting On My Year Off

As 2019 begins and my second semester of university kicks into full gear I would like to take a moment to reflect on the year that I have had. I can easily say that this past year was the most challenging one of my life 

Curried Sweet Potato + Celeriac Soup

Curried Sweet Potato + Celeriac Soup

With Christmas behind us now we are getting into the less nice part of winter – a.k.a every day of winter after Christmas – and the need for coziness is at its peak. At school I like to cook in big batches so  I don’t 

Nine Days in Paris

Nine Days in Paris

Growing up, Paris is one of those cities that you see all the time in the movies. Movies, shows and social media paint a beautiful image of the city, so it’s pretty surreal when you actually arrive there and see it for yourself. It’s kind of like a first trip to New York City, but on an even greater scale. Continue reading Nine Days in Paris

Chocolate Swirl Banana Bread with Walnuts + Life Updates

Chocolate Swirl Banana Bread with Walnuts + Life Updates

Hi Friends! I Know that it has been quite some time since I last wrote.. I’ve been completely swamped by the workload that accompanies first year university. I have really missed writing and creating, so I decided to take my study break tonight to write 

Travelling in the Scottish Highlands (Aberdeen, Inverness, and Skye, oh my!)

Travelling in the Scottish Highlands (Aberdeen, Inverness, and Skye, oh my!)

Alas, we have (finally) reached the last leg of my Scottish journey. I know it has been a while, so let me refresh your memory. When I last wrote of my travels, I shared with you all my wonderful week in London. I do apologize 

Mixed Berry Summertime Scones

Mixed Berry Summertime Scones

Nothing says summer to me like fresh, local produce. I’ve grown vegetables for years and have always found it to be very rewarding as well as very fun. When I was a little kid living in Toronto, my best friend Jenny and I used to grow potatoes in her back garden. When the potatoes were ready to harvest the two of us would dress up like pioneers (keep in mind we were like seven years old haha) and dig up the potatoes. Once we had successfully extracted all of the potatoes from the ground, we would take them inside and clean the skins of before chopping them up and making baked French fries. The first year that I grew vegetables in my own garden was when I was 11. I used old crates to grow peas, beans, tomatoes and, what I’m convinced were, the world’s smallest carrots. Now I have a decent sized vegetable garden along the side of my house where I grow tomatoes, root veggies, zucchinis, squash, herbs, beans, peas, peppers, cucumbers and raspberries.  Continue reading Mixed Berry Summertime Scones

Strawberry Chia Jam with a Twist

Strawberry Chia Jam with a Twist

A few weeks before summer officially began, I sat down and wrote a bucket list of all the things that I wanted to (try to) do before September rolled around. One of the items on the list was berry picking. I have a couple of 

Grilled Za’atar Flatbread with Garlic Infused Olive Oil and Smoky Eggplant Puree

Grilled Za’atar Flatbread with Garlic Infused Olive Oil and Smoky Eggplant Puree

Not gonna lie, this was a really fun recipe to create. I got to combine three of my fav things: bread, grilled food, and za’atar spice blend! Woo! I’ve made this recipe before using spelt flour (which worked great), but I wanted to try to 

Chocolate Crispy Treats

Chocolate Crispy Treats

I have very fond childhood memories of my older sister, Emma, whipping up a batch of rice crispy squares after school, which we would then devour whilst watching The Ellen Show. Oh, to be 9 years old again.. But seriously, rice crispy squares are a classic treat. Continue reading Chocolate Crispy Treats

Four Easy + Refreshing Juices

Four Easy + Refreshing Juices

‘Tis the season, for cold juices that is. With the past few days climbing up to the high twenties I’ve been a big fan of pressed juices. Buying fresh juice can be pretty pricey, which I find to be strange considering how, relatively, inexpensive it