Tag: featured

24 Hours in Munich, Germany

24 Hours in Munich, Germany

To wrap up our three-week adventure in Europe, we spent 24 hours in Munich before flying home from the Munich International Airport. Alyssa had spent a good chunk of time in Munich prior to my arrival, but my only experience with Munich was navigating my 

Cucumber Lemonade with Jalapeño

Cucumber Lemonade with Jalapeño

Any other home gardeners with an abundance of one (or a few) specific crops at the moment? Mine are green beans, salad greens, and cucumbers. I currently have 12 cucumbers sitting in the produce drawer in my fridge and I am determined to use them 

Barcelona on a Budget: A Three-Day Itinerary

Barcelona on a Budget: A Three-Day Itinerary

Our adventure in Spain really began in Nice, France. If you have been following along with my previous posts, you will know that Barcelona was the third major stop on our tour through Southern Europe in fall 2022. First came a nine-day tour of Italy (read about that here), followed by three spectacular days in the South of France (read about that here). Barcelona was the final major destination on our European tour before returning to Munich for our flight back home to Canada. Continue reading Barcelona on a Budget: A Three-Day Itinerary

Lavender Infused Honey

Lavender Infused Honey

A plant that brings me a great amount of joy to have growing in my garden year after year is lavender. Lavender is not only beautiful to look at and beloved by pollinators, but it is also so versatile and can be used to make 

Touring the Best of the French Riviera in Three Days

Touring the Best of the French Riviera in Three Days

After our tour through Italy (read about that here), Alyssa and I spent a lovely three (and a half if we’re counting travel) days in the South of France along the French Riviera. I have previously travelled to Paris (read about my nine days in 

Garden Companion Planting Guide

Garden Companion Planting Guide

I’ve been growing vegetables in some capacity since I was about seven or eight years old. When I was growing up in Toronto, my best friend who lived around the corner from me had a pretty large back garden and would grow some veggies every year. I used to come over and help her out with the planting and then the harvesting later in the summer. Our specialty was potatoes. I remember going over to her house to harvest the potatoes and then using them to make homemade french fries. It was always a lot of fun. I’d say that this summer activity of ours is what sparked my interest in gardening, which has only grown bigger over the years. Continue reading Garden Companion Planting Guide

Nine Days in Italy: An Itinerary

Nine Days in Italy: An Itinerary

In early September I set off on a three-week trip around various parts of southern Europe with my roommate Alyssa. Our adventure began with nine fantastic days touring around Italy. We started in Venice, then hit Rome, travelled to Naples and explored the Amalfi Coats 

Chocolate Hazelnut Butter Cups with Toasted Buckwheat

Chocolate Hazelnut Butter Cups with Toasted Buckwheat

Back in December I went to the One of a Kind Show in Toronto to get a bit of holiday shopping out of the way. For those of you that are not familiar, the One of a Kind Show is a large multi-day convention of Canadian 

New Years Sustainable Swap: 2023

New Years Sustainable Swap: 2023

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a nice holiday season and that your holiday plans weren’t derailed too much by the crazy winter storm that seems to have swept right across North America. Every year I make a point to make a sustainable lifestyle swap for the new year. I also add sustainable swaps throughout the year, but I feel like the turning of the calendar year is a nice jumping off point. Consider it a ‘new years resolution’ in a way. I’ve never shared my swaps here on O+W, so I listed my previous new years sustainable swaps below to serve as some ~inspiration~ in addition to my 2023 swap. Continue reading New Years Sustainable Swap: 2023

Strawberry & Pistachio Bark with Flaky Salt

Strawberry & Pistachio Bark with Flaky Salt

It’s no secret that I love chocolate. I have never been huge on candy, but chocolate is something that I always keep on hand. I especially love dark chocolate. If we’re getting specific, I love the Lindt Excellence Ecuador 75% Cacao chocolate the most. I