So, I have a kinda funny story for you all. Well, my life is all kind of a funny story, but this situation really takes the cake. Leading up to Christmas holidays I was experiencing discomfort in my lower jaw near the back of my mouth. It felt like the same kind of discomfort I had experienced when my wisdom teeth were coming in, but I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed back in May (or so I thought), so that didn’t make any sense. I went for a routine cleaning at the dentist over the holidays and told them about my discomfort. They took a look and ended up taking an X-ray, which verified that I most definitely had a full tooth hanging out back there, a tooth that was supposed to have been removed seven months earlier… I was baffled by this discovery, as was my dentist, the hygienist, the receptionist, and the surgeon himself. So it turns out that the surgeon just straight up missed one of the four teeth he was supposed to remove. I have no clue how that is even possible, but I am living proof that it is! Continue reading Creamy White Bean Soup