Sweet Raspberry Buns with Cream Cheese Frosting

Sweet Raspberry Buns with Cream Cheese Frosting

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope that you are all enjoying your long weekend. I unfortunately came down with Covid on Thursday, so my long weekend has been spent indoors in isolation. Definitely not ideal, but it is what it is. On the plus side, it 

Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble Loaf

Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble Loaf

This Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble Loaf highlights what is – in my opinion – the queen of summer produce: Ontario strawberries. Strawberry picking has become an annual tradition for me. I love being able to take advantage of the fantastic summer produce that is grown within 

Chocolate Swirl Banana Bread with Walnuts

Chocolate Swirl Banana Bread with Walnuts

Hi Friends! I Know that it has been quite some time since I last wrote.. I’ve been completely swamped by the workload that accompanies first year university. I have really missed writing and creating, so I decided to take my study break tonight to write 

Mixed Berry Summertime Scones

Mixed Berry Summertime Scones

Nothing says summer to me like fresh, local produce. I’ve grown vegetables for years and have always found it to be very rewarding as well as very fun. When I was a little kid living in Toronto, my best friend Jenny and I used to 

Vegan Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffins

Vegan Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffins

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but I work at a bakery, which is pretty ironic considering that I can’t eat 99% of the product that we sell. Lucky for me we do have delicious gluten free and vegan muffins (yay!). Honest to 

Cranberry & Apricot “Buttermilk” Scones

Cranberry & Apricot “Buttermilk” Scones

By taking a quick glance out the window it looks as though it’s April out there. Everything is wet, there are only tiny patches of snow remaining and the sky seems to be eternally grey. In case you didn’t know, April is one of my 

Orange & Raspberry Muffins

Orange & Raspberry Muffins

It’s raspberry season and these Orange & Raspberry Muffins are the perfect way to celebrate these seasonal beauties! These muffins are naturally gluten and dairy free without compromising taste and texture.

Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread

Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread

After months upon months of stress an, seemingly, never ending work, I am finally free. Last Monday I went for my final university interview and am so relived! Being a senior in high school is hard enough, but when you add in extracurricular activities, work 

Ginger Molasses Loaf

Ginger Molasses Loaf

I am a huge fan of molasses cookies. One of my favourite things at Christmas time is baking (and eating!) chewy, delicious, homemade ginger molasses cookies. They produce the most wonderful scent when they’re baking; it just smells like Christmas. This holiday season I was