Photo Journal No. 1: Playing with Film

Photo Journal No. 1: Playing with Film

I’ve decided to try something a little bit different. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this before, but before Olive + Wisteria was Olive + Wisteria, it was local adventures and it was a tumblr page dedicated to sharing my photography, quotes I like, books, and thoughts. As I grew up, so did local adventures. I created an instagram with the same name and gradually transitioned to that as my primary platform, as opposed to tumblr.

My content morphed with my interests and now, as you know, my content is focused around lifestyle and food, but I think that it’s time for me to get back to some of the themes of my old content. I initially created my blog solely for myself; I’m an avid journal user, which provides more of a factual record of my thoughts whereas this platform creates a visual record. I love to scroll through the old tumblr page every once in a while to look at how much my photography has evolved over the years and also to reminisce on old memories and adventures.

I’ve decided to start sharing photo journals of various themes here to get back to the roots of why I started local adventures in the first place. This journal here is dedicated to my first attempt at film photography. I have a few different film cameras that I have collected over the years, but due to school and other life distractions I have neglected to delve into film as much as I have wanted to. Now, since I have pretty well all the free time in the world because of the pandemic, I have decided that it is the perfect opportunity to explore this medium and to learn more about it.

I hope you enjoy this new content, let me know what you think (:



Ice cream date in the backyard with Lauren

Lauren posing with Wilf








Eryn and I
Waterloo Park
Hammocking is our new favourite activity
Lauren and Eryn

Eryn and Lauren being tourists in our own city

Enjoying our beloved Lazeez Shawarma in the backyard
First (and sadly not the last) sunburn of the season
Lauren, Eryn and I in my now empty room

Tessa on film
Mom at our Mothers Day brunch

Bay-side views
Jess (:
Jess and I
Vikings forever
Brings back old memories  


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