Florence + the Machine: How Beautiful Tour

June 10th, 2016 was easily the best day/ night of my life. Let me take you back 111 days before that though. I was in my room idly checking Ticket Master when I came across Florence + the Machine (my all time Favourite band) and saw that they would be touring in Canada and more specifically in Toronto! I was beyond excited! I immediately called my good friend Riley, who introduced me to the band when we were in grade seven, and told her about the concert. She was just as excited as I was. At this point in time all the tickets had already sold out, so I ended up having to check a numerous amount of websites to find the best resale deal. In the end it was not cheap, but sometimes you just got to bight the bullet, you know what I mean? Honestly, I have never regretted spending that money.
After the tickets had been purchased and printed I was so excited that I was literally jumping up and down while still talking to Riley on the phone. We were both stunned that we were going to see Florence. Did I mention that we also had front row tickets? Well yeah, that happened. This excitement lasted for weeks, months! All we had left to do was wait. Then finally, after 111 days of waiting and counting down, it was June 10th.
Ri and I drove into the city early in the morning then set off downtown for some retail therapy and exploring. We certainly got a lot done! It was great fun! Before the concert we had an early dinner on Spadina off of Queen West then walked down to Molson Canadian Amphitheatre. Luckily, since I was toting around a giant backpack, I was able to sneak in my camera and take wonderful pictures throughout the night.

We were about an hour and a half early, but it was alright because it meant that we were right at the front as our tickets were for the general admission mosh pit. Finally, after much waiting Of Monsters and Men, who opened the show, came out and began to play, they were phenomenal! At the end of their act they threw their guitars picks into thew crowd and I caught one! Riley and I also noticed that the bass player looked exactly like Ansel Elgort!
After their act finished we had to wait another hour for the stage to get set up for Florence.
Then, at long last, out she came. She started throwing flowers into the crowd and Riley caught a few. When she started singing it was absolutely amazing. If you are familiar with Florence + the machine then you know that she has a powerhouse voice in her recordings; she’s even better live. Everything about the concert was amazing. The opening act, the vocals, the instruments and Florence’s interaction with the audience. It was so incredible! Easily the best night of my life.
At the end of the night Ri and I ended up walking for 40 minutes to get to Union station to catch a subway home. I know many of you Torontonians out there are probably thinking “why didn’t they take a street car to Union?”. See, the thing is that all the street cars seemed to be going in the opposite direction than we were, so we opted to walk. All in all it was a fantastic day followed by an incredible night.